Friday, October 21, 2011

The George Clooney EP

So, Ocean's 11 didn't want these songs. And neither will you. Enjoy them!

Soundtrack for Deleted Scenes of Ocean's 11 Tracklist:

1. George Clooney Proudly Walks Out Of the Bellagio Hotel With Andy Garcia's Head
2. Matt Damon Steals Andy Garcia's Head From George Clooney and Drives Through the Desert In a Rusty El Camino on Ecstasy
3. Matt Damon Gives Brad Pitt Andy Garcias's Head As a Gift At a Christmas Party: The Party Guests Are Terrified and George Clooney Can't Stop Laughing
4. End Credits: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon Start A Band But All Of Their Songs Sound Like The Cars. Meanwhile, the Rest of the 11 Are Kidnapped by Robert DeNiro

Download Here: George Clooney Presents: George Clooney's: Soundtrack for Deleted Scenes of Ocean's 11

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Vicious People EP!

Mahalo Friends,

I extremely excited to announce: the album is complete!

I'm super stoked to be releasing it on tape with my pal [Brian Wood] and his Wonder Beard Tapes. It'll be available for purchasing on March 30th. As always, you can download it for free via the good ol' bandcamp page. I hope that everyone enjoys the album and that some of you will be able to have some sort of connection with it.

Vicious People EP:
1. Wolves
2. Man, No
3. Vicious People [ft Waylon Thornton and Quiet Coyote]
4. Bloody Hungry
5. Desert
6. Dark and Lonesome Bones
7. Bellow
8. Jordan River
9. Please

Download it for free here: Vicious People EP

OR you can name your own price [including $0] here: Vicious People EP

With Gratitude and Big Love,
Michael Steven Bringardner